<![CDATA[EarthMotherWisdom.com - Blog]]>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 01:06:25 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Rise Above The Low Vibrations]]>Tue, 02 Aug 2016 19:49:24 GMThttp://earthmotherwisdom.com/blog/the-low-vibrations-create-illusionsWe work so hard on keeping up our vibrations by searching for new ways outside ourselves to raise our vibrations. We forget it really begins within. When you are owning your true authentic self and taking action on your beliefs you begin to shine that light, that high vibration from within out into the world. It should illuminate from the solar plexus out beyond your energy field. When you do this you then out grown the shielding, or bubble you used to do. That is kindergarten stuff. If we are to take on the darkness that is evolving with the change of humanity we must be the creator of our own light. If you can't handle the shift of recent events in the world. You are in for a rude awakening that will blow your mind and cause great pain mind, body, and spirit in the next couple of years to come. 
The way you know that your vibration is getting higher is we start to draw attention  to ourselves by how we act and respond to others. Some people will like you because your vibration matches theirs or your vibration is ready to rise, and others will get irritated with you because their vibration is a low vibration. The low vibration people pull at you with illusion and guilt to bring you to their level. This causes you great confusion, emotional pain,  and gets you questioning many things in your life.  During this shift within you, you also start to shift your old belief systems to new ones. What once worked for you doesn't work for you any longer. We let go of relationships, jobs, friendships, and family.

The Universe creates change by causing us to be uncomfortable and emotionally confused. This forces us to take a look in the mirror to see where we are not growing. When we recognize what we have gotten comfortable with, that is what needs to change. The change is painful. It is what I call labor pains of transformation. When we  make those hard decisions and commitments. We start to transform. That is when you take that final push and release with a freeing exhale. This is what this journey is all about. Now go transform into the unknown and make this world a better place by your high vibrational actions. Venture out into the world knowing you are supported by the higher vibrations of the Universe.and grown into the beautiful being you are. Be the change you want to see! 
<![CDATA[Five Planets in Retrograde: How are you going to grow from this opportunity?]]>Thu, 28 Apr 2016 00:13:38 GMThttp://earthmotherwisdom.com/blog/five-planets-in-retrograde-how-are-you-growing-from-it-spirituallyPicture
As a spiritual teacher I see a lot of people panic, use retrograde as a reason for their emotional disruptions or put blame on there unhappiness that a planet is in retrograde.
I believe we are all sacred beings having a human experience that are here to learn many lessons that feed our soul to grow and through that growth raise  our vibration to make a impact on humanity one person at a time.
On Jan. 7th Jupiter went retrograde in Virgo and will continue to go retrograde until May 9th. The effects it has during this time is about growth. Whatever plans in your life may seem to slow down to give you time to reflect on what needs to shift in your life to make room for expansion.  This planet will creates situations that you have been avoiding to make opportunity to slow down sit with yourself and hear what your higher self has been trying to tell you all along. So quit complaining and face those fears.

On March 25th Saturn went retrograde in Sagittarius and will continue to go retrograde until Aug. 13. The effects it has on us slows us down to teach us patience, discipline, organization, and provides clarity by shifting your attention to your spirit within.

On April 17th Mars went retrograde in Sagittarius/Scorpio and will continue to go retrograde until June 29th. The effects of this will be about action taking on old feelings that you buried  that need to be acknowledged and released. Everything slows down and works its way to the surface to be dealt with. Now is the time to be mindful of how you handle it. It may just come to bit you in the butt. 

On April 18th Pluto went retrograde in Capricorn and will continue to go retrograde until Sept. 26th. This effects us by focusing on our own personal motivations and highlights our power and desires that are unhealthy and a  little darker that we think they are. This gives us opportunity to work on changing our traits to healthy way of being.

On April 28th Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus and will continue to go retrograde until May 22nd. The effects it has during this time will be about our personal truth of our values. It causes your to re-think, and re-evaluate your belief systems in many areas of your life. Particularly your finances, communications, and your thoughts.
So what does this all mean? Shift your way of think about all these planets going retrograde from a horrible thing to a beautiful transformation when you love  yourself enough to take the first step.

Embrace the Universes way of loving you like a parent who is saying.
" I want you to walk with me. I want to show you something. I want you to see yourself the way I see you. Their is so much you don't see in yourself. I see the best in you and you are capable of so much more. Let me help you by creating situations for you to face and work through to see what I see. You have been working so hard at being the best you can be however you are so focused straight ahead that you don't see behind you and on the sides of you. Utilize all the tools you have picked up along the way and put them to good use right now. Shed all that is holding you back. Let go of the fear and worry. I will take care of that for you. Take a leap and surrender to transformation to raise your vibration to attain higher consciousness. I believe in you. "

Blessings and love to you!

<![CDATA[A Mother's Nurturing Love...]]>Sat, 04 Jul 2015 22:16:27 GMThttp://earthmotherwisdom.com/blog/a-mothers-nurturing-lovePicture
When you were an infant your first nurturing touch was from your Mother when she took that first look into your eyes and had that moment of prayer that you would be healthy and happy in your life. What a blessed moment. I know I shed my first tear of joy of hopes and dreams for my babies.

As an adult we tend to put nurturing to the back seat of our hectic lives. However when trials and tribulations happen we search for help and guidance to bring us back to center.

Mother Earth is a our continuous nurturing Mother that we don't connect with consciously. She provides the food and water we need to survive on a daily basis. But there is so much more she can give you if you are open to receive and surrender.

When you are in a state of emotion or mental confusion allow Mother Earth to comfort you. Taking time to just "be" with her will allow your vessel to release what is no longer needed and provide you some healing that is much needed. Stop making excuses of "I don't have time" or "I don't know how". The quickest and easiest way is to find a place that has plant life and open yourself up to receive. There is no right or wrong way to do this because Mother Earth always knows what you need and is willing to provide.

Affirmation Exercise:

*Find a place in nature or the garden department of store that has plant life.

*Take (3) deep breaths.

*Repeat this affirmation 3 times to your self.

"Mother Earth I humble before you and surrender all that is no longer in my highest good. I am open to your nurturing care that you embrace me with."

*Take (3) deep breaths and continue your day in grace and gratitude.

With a Loving embrace,

Earth Mother Wisdom

<![CDATA[Junes Effects of Transformation]]>Mon, 07 Jul 2014 04:21:48 GMThttp://earthmotherwisdom.com/blog/junes-effects-of-transformationPicture
This week I did a shamanic journey and was communicating with my guide Seron. She was explaining to me that a large number of people have lost their way with their spiritual path. Many things have happened in June that has effected many people by creating fear, worry, and doubt. When you are walking a spiritual path you always trust your intuition and have faith in the universe of all that is. However when you can't pay your bills and struggle with a loss or and illness or your energy level has been depleted you loose your way. Healers of all modalities have been questioning is this what I am supposed to be doing? We question are path because we see a drop in clients or in classes we are doing. Seron says that this is a test of your faith and pushing you to be guided by your intuition.

Many indigenous tribes of the world speak of a time where we all were telepathic and rarely spoke with words. Their intuition was aligned with the cycles of Mother Earth. A time where we could hear all beings through telepathy. Even today our crystal children are telepathic in their younger years and some adults today still have their ability to speak through telepathy.

This year is all about Transformation on letting go of all people, behaviors, and environments that are lowering your vibration. When we let go of all this we being to open up our intuition to all that is. Then our energy is raised with universal love of oneness. The more universal love we posses within ourselves we begin to heal ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. After we heal ourselves then we can heal others and then we raise the vibration of the planet and heal our Mother Earth.

So what can you do? You start by embracing self-love and raising your light within to remove all darkness which is self doubt, worry, fear, depression, frustration, and anger. Don't feel embarrassed or ashamed. We are all here on the planet to help each other. I am here to help you.

"I am You and You Are Me, We Are Oneness." ~ De Alva Ward ~
